Greatness Podcast
The podcast where the world's leading thinkers share their ideas about how to create greatness. Great leaders, great teams and great organizations. Why be good when you can be great!
Greatness Podcast
Greatness Podcast (Ep 92) | Rhiannon Heins Discusses Her Book The Keepers of the Light Codes
We are all absolutely perfect, brilliant, and capable today just the way we are. It's our perception that we are imperfect that keeps us from realizing this, a simple yet profound message that Rhiannon Heins, author of The Keepers of the Light Codes, shared with me during her visit to the Greatness podcast. One point that really landed for me - we frequently set ourselves up for failure by overscheduling our lives and setting unrealistic expectations. Rhiannon shares many practical tips for how we connect with the energy of the universe to support us in our experience of a beautiful life, including how to ask for help.