Greatness Podcast
The podcast where the world's leading thinkers share their ideas about how to create greatness. Great leaders, great teams and great organizations. Why be good when you can be great!
Greatness Podcast
Greatness Podcast (Ep 54) | Dr. Ovul Sezer Discusses Kindness at Work
I recently posted an HBR article on kindness in the workplace - wow, what a response! One of the authors, Dr. Ovul Sezer, joined the Greatness podcast to expand upon her research on how kindness translates to business performance. Ovul is fascinating. She arrived from Istanbul at Harvard at 18 years old to study math, and also received her PhD from Harvard. Ovul is not only a professor but a stand-up-comic. Her research into how leaders can be mindful of the importance of kindness at work is spot on. Do your interactions at work build people up, or tear them down?